Tariff calculator

Central station fare calculator

Conveniently calculate the hourly rates
for the parking garages Hbf. P 1 - P 5

Please enter the desired dates for your departure and arrival.

This is a staging environment

Latest news

30.12.2024 - Kunsthalle underground car park Closure of the entrance & exit - access via Parkhotel garage

Dear customers,

On Monday, 30.12.2024, the entrance and exit of the Kunsthalle underground car park will be closed from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Please use the entrance and exit of the Parkhotel garage during this time.

We ask for your understanding.

Pedestrian tunnel at the main station barrier-free again

Dear customers,

The pedestrian tunnel from Lindenhof to Mannheim Central Station is once again barrier-free. The first elevator system went into operation on Friday, June 14. At the same time, bicycle gutters were installed on the stairs so that they can also be used more easily by cyclists.

Your MPB team